The role of Dwaya Haridra with Nimbadi tail in the management of of vicharchika W.S.R. to Eczema


  • Dr. Subhash B. Jamdhade Associate Professor
  • Namrata kende PG scholor
  • Dr. S. K. Jaiswal HOD & Professor
  • Dr. Pradnya. S. Jamdhade Assistent Professor


Vicharchika, Eczema, Nimbadi tail, Dwayharidra, KShudra kushta



In ayurveda all skin diseases describes under the heading of kushta .

 "Kushnatee iti kushtham."

      ( Ma.Ni/kushta/Tika 1)

The disease that destroyes the affected part of skin . Both charak samhita and sushrut samhita  classify skin disease into 2 categories .

1) Mahakushtha (major)

2) Kshudrakushtha (minor)

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Ayurvedically, Eczema is considered to be a type of kushtha. i. e.type of kushdrakushtha which is disease of the skin .It is also known as a type of twak roga .which also signifies that it is a skin disease that twak translates to skin and rog translates to pain . Vicharchika is characterised by the following symptoms ati kandu ,bahu strav ,rukshta ,shyavata ,pidika,raji. As described in terms od nidan ,purvarupa,samprapti and chikitsa vicharchika can most certainly be corelated with the modern interpretation of eczema or atopic dermatitis .Eczema or atopic dermatitis is chronic inflammatory skin condition.

Atopic dermatitis is characterised by  cracked or scaly skin discolored patches,erythma(red skin),papules, exudate(oozing) and intence pruritus (itching ).


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How to Cite

Dr. Subhash B. Jamdhade, Namrata kende, Dr. S. K. Jaiswal, & Dr. Pradnya. S. Jamdhade. (2021). The role of Dwaya Haridra with Nimbadi tail in the management of of vicharchika W.S.R. to Eczema. Ayurline: International Journal of Research in Indian Medicine, 5(02). Retrieved from

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