“Physico chemical analysis of nimbadi ubatan and its conversion into soap with its antimicrobial activity†Array Section Original Research Articles
Aim: to study physico chemical analysis of nimbadi ubatan and its conversion into soap with its antimicrobial activity. OBJECTIVES: 1. Preparation of Nimbadi Ubatan. 2. Preparation of Nimbadi Soap (Oil based using Nimbadi kwath). 3. Preparation of Nimbadi Soap (Glycerine based). 4. Analytical study of Nimbadi ubatan and its soap. 5. Antimicrobial study of Nimbadi ubatan and its soap. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Preparation of Nimbadi Ubatan according to the reference Astang Hrudaya Chikitsa Sthana 19/65-66. Conversion of Nimbadi ubatan into Nimbadi soap according to standard method of preparation of Soap. Analytical study of NimbadiUbatan and Nimbadi Soap (Oil Based using Nimbadi Kwath)and (Glycerine Based). In-vitro antimicrobial activity of Nimbadi ubatan and Nimbadi soap (Oil Based using Nimbadi Kwath) and (Glycerine Based). In-vitro antimicrobial activity of Ketostar Soap. CONCLUSION: Antimicrobial activity of all the three samples was studied by agar well diffusion method and Time Kill Test method. Ketostar soap Standard drug was used for a comparative study. From above results we can conclude that Nimbadi Soap (Oil based using Nimbadi kwath) is much more effective than Nimbadi Soap (Glycerine Based) and Nimbadi Ubatan.