A case study of TAO (Buerger's disease) with an arterial ulcer- Ayurvedic management Array Section Other
TAO or Buerger’s disease is Progressive, Inflammatory, Segmental, Occlusive nonatherosclerotic condition involving medium sized and distal vessels affecting commonly male between 20-40years of age [1]. Its synonym is Smoker’s disease as its common cause is smoking. Causes also include Hormonal influence, autonomic overactivity, poor hygiene, recurrent minor feet injuries [2]. Clinical features include intermittent claudication, discoloration of involved limb, decreased local temperature, rest pain, ulceration and gangrene, absence/ feeble distal pulses and recurrent migratory superficial thrombophlebitis [3]. In Ayurveda this disease is not mentioned but it can be correlated with vata-pittaja gambhir vatarakta, rakta-twak-mansa dushti and strotodushti lakshanas like sanga and siranam grathi [4]. Modern conservative treatment of TAO include vasodilator drugs, anticoagulants, dextran and prostaglandin therapy while surgical include Lumbar sympathectomy, Arterial reconstruction, Omentoplasty and amputation if gangrene occurs [5]. This treatment have its own limitations, is costly and with no satisfactory prognosis.
This is a case study of 60 years old male patient diagnosed with TAO with arterial ulcer over lower left leg by using Arterial Doppler. Considering Ayurvedic samprapti he was managed by Jalaukavacharana, Tila taila Abhyanga and some Ayurvedic medicines. The assessment was made on the basis of relief in signs and symptoms and Arterial Doppler. A single case study shows satisfactory improvement in the disease.
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