Critical Comparative Study of Ayurvedic& Jyotish Shastrokta Dhatusarata Laxanas & Its Impact on Forecast of Health & Socio economic Status Array Section Review of Article
The Jyotish science is complimentary and contemporary to the Ayurvedic medical science. The principles of Jyotish science have been applied in Ayurvedic science at various places. The various body characteristics are described in ‘Sharir Laxan Adhyay’ and ‘Ayurday Adhyay’ of Ayurvedic and Jyotish science respectively. Acharya Charaka had described the ‘Sara Pariksha’ in the Vimansthana of his treatise ‘Charak Samhita’. These body characteristics are used to predict the future outcome of health, education, and career and socio economic status. The ‘Dhatu Sarata’ (Tissue excellence) is one such example of typical body characteristics based upon the excellence of particular dhatus. Acharya Charaka is of the view that only looking at the body size and body characters, one should not guess about the physical strength of an individual as thick looking person may actually be weak and thin appearing individual may actually be strength [C.Vi. 8/115]. It is important to find out the rationale behind the forecast made by ancient acharyas based on ‘Dhatu Sarata’. Hence, there is a need to study the ‘Dhatu Sarata’laxanas from both science point of view critically and comparatively.
The critical comparison of Ayurvedic and Jyotish shastrokta, dhatusarata laxanas, in the observation showed marked similarities between the body features of Dhatusarata and forecast regarding health, education, career and socioeconomic status. It is concluded that future outcome of health, education, career and socioeconomic status can very well be predicted from the assessment of Ayurvedokta Dhatu Sarata.
1. Charak Samhita with hindi translation by Vd. Harichandra Kushwah, Published by Chaukhamba Orientalia, Gopal Mandir lane,Varanasi-221001
2. Charak Samhita with ‘Ayurved Dipika’ commentary by acharya Chakrapani published by Chaukhamba Orientalia, Gopal Mandir lane,Varanasi-221001
3. ‘Brihat Samhita’ of acharya Varaha Mihir, edited and translated in hindi by Dr. Sureshchandra Mishra , reprint 2005, published by Ranjan Publications, 16, Ansari Road , Daryaganj , Delhi-110002
4. ‘Nrusti Samudrik Lakshan Shastra’ of acharya Jagatdev, edited and translated in hindi by Abhay Katyayan , First edition 2008, published by Chaukhamba Surbharati, Gopal Mandir lane,Varanasi-221001
5. Brihat Parashar Horashastra of acharya Parashar, edited and translated in hindi by by Pt. Sitaram Jha , Fifth edition 2000, published by Master Kheladilal Sankata Prasad , Kachaudi Galli,Varanasi-221001