A review on effect of chandraprapbha vati in albuminuria


  • Sanjay Pawade
  • Vidhya Chavhan


Chandraprapbha vati, Albuminuria, disorders of urinary system


  Background:   Ayurveda is a science of life & its literature contains various Kalpas which are beneficial in various disorders. Among all these Kalpas, mentioned in Ayurved Samhitas Chandraprabha vati is effective in the management of disorders of urinary system & Prameha. The ancient Indian knowledge of this drug is analysed here and attempt is made to find out its role in the management of Albuminuria. According to Modern science Albuminuria is considered as early symptoms of chronic kidney diseases & now a days it is very common disorder.

  Objectives: 1) To study review literature of Chandraprabha vati through         

                         Ayurvedic text.

                    2) To study modern text on Albuminuria.

  Methods: The ancient knowledge of Chandraprabha vati through Samhitas & knowledge of Albumiuria through modern literature and various journal, internet are gatthered and data is collected for this study.

  Results and Conclusion: After the study of literature, it is clear that Chandraprabha vati is used in the management of disorders of urinary system & Albuminuria is considered as early symptoms of chronic kidney diseases,so it will be effective in the management of Albuminuria.


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How to Cite

Pawade, S., & Chavhan, V. (2019). A review on effect of chandraprapbha vati in albuminuria. Ayurline: International Journal of Research in Indian Medicine, 3(04). Retrieved from https://www.ayurline.in/index.php/ayurline/article/view/251