Analgesic, anti-inflammatory and blood thinning effect of Leech Therapy in patients of Rheumatoid Arthritis -- An exemplary pilot Study. Array Section Case Report
Joint pain is the worst of sufferings of humans and man's efforts to conquer the pain are older than his efforts to prevent death. In Ayurveda. The experimental and investigational status of leech therapy (Jaloukavacharan) in RA, a clinical research is presented comprising of 44 patients of Rheumatoid Arthritis (Aamvata). In this study, leeches (Jalouka) were applied on alternate days for 10 sittings on preferably knee joints and ankle joints and patients were subjected to certain assessment criteria like pain, redness, tenderness, rise in local temperature, restricted movements, walking effect and pathological parameters. Leeches were applied following the standard operating procedures (SOP’S).The clinical data on various aspects of joint pain, signs of joint inflammation and pathological parameters was statistically analysed, significant results were found which are elaborated under relevant sections of this article. Follow ups taken and observations noted suggest that mean % relief in pain was found to be 69.66%, Swelling - 55%, Redness – 61.66%, Tenderness – 63.66%, Rise in local temperature - 36.33, Restricted movements – 61.33%, Walking effect – 52.64% after treatment leech therapy. There was statistically insignificant rise in tlc, and lymphocytes. Similarly, statistically insignificant decrease in other parameters like hemoglobin and polymorphs was found. Bleeding time was found to increase by 10-15 sec and Clotting time was found to increase by 12-16 sec. CRP was found to reduce by 10 mg/dl and ESR was found to reduce by 10-15 mm as average in 44 patients after raktamokshana by leech for 20 days..