The Cumulative anti-inflammatory effect of bloodletting by Leech (Jallaukavacharana) in patients of Arthritis (Aamvata) w. s. r. inflammatory markers- a Research Realm Array Section Original Research Articles
Raktamokshana, is a para-surgical procedure directed for the treatment of specifically Raktaja roga (blood-borne diseases), along with many other surgical diseases. To expel out the vitiated blood, seven procedures are advocated: Venesection (Sira Vedhan), horn application (Sringa Avacharana), gourd application (Alabu Aavacharana), leech application (Jalauka Avacharana), scrapping (Pracchanna Karma), cupping glass application (Ghati Yantra Avacharana), and needle application (Suchi Avacharana).The process of Raktamokshana can be traced back to the Vedic period only and not beyond that. In the Koushika sutra of Atharvaveda, references of bloodletting (Raktamokshana) by leech application are available. Sushruta and Vagbhata focused on the Raktamokshana in detail. Bloodletting as a method of treatment is indicated in Gouty Arthritis (Vatarakta), filariasis, herpes, tumors, various skin disorders, genital infections, abscess, inflammatory conditions, cellulitis, painful ulcers, chronic ulcers On the other hand it is found to be contraindicated in generalized swelling, swelling in those suffering from anaemia, piles, phthisis and in pregnancy. With such conceptual things in mind a research work was undertaken to study the change in inflammatory markers in patients of arthritis treated with Leech Therapy. For this 30 patients of Aamvata (Rhematoid Arthritis) in whom CRP and ESR was raised were selected for study. Leech Therapy was done alternate day in every patient in the knee and ankle joint for 10 days. Blood investigations were done prior to leech therapy and after leech therapy in every patient and it was found that inflammatory markers were found to reduceed, in these patients.
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