A literature Review on Physiological aspects of “Koshta”


  • Chandrashri Baronia
  • Mariya Husain
  • S. V. Dinass Kumar


koshta, Annavaha strotasa, agni, Dosha, alimentary system


Koshta is one of the terminology in Ayurveda. According to various Acharyas, physiology or sharir kriya of Koshta depends on Dosha and agni present in koshta.

Koshta means “Annavaha strotasa”. Treatment part depends on nature of  Koshta. Nature of Koshta is mostly dependent on Dosha present in koshta. According to various acharyas Strotasa is path which is responsible to carry the medicinal content to various parts of the body.

Now in this article we are going to study- type of koshta, effect of dosha and agni on koshta, effect of treatment on various types of koshta, etc.


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1. Sushrut Samhita33/20, kawiraj Ambika Dutt Shastri, by chaukhamba sanskrit sansthan, reprint 2006, page no.144.
2. Charak samhita, By Acharya vidyadhar shukla, print 2003, page 2.
3. Ashtanga sangraha Shree Lalchandra shatri Vaidya 3rd print 1986, page no.23.
4. Sartha Vagbhata1/8, Dr. Ganesh k. Garde, Anamol prakashan page 2, 2003
5. Charaksamhita, viman sthan 5/3, professor Vd. Y.G. Joshi, Vaidyamitra publication, page no. 540.



How to Cite

Baronia, C., Husain, M., & Dinass Kumar, S. V. (2019). A literature Review on Physiological aspects of “Koshta”. Ayurline: International Journal of Research in Indian Medicine, 3(02). Retrieved from https://www.ayurline.in/index.php/ayurline/article/view/220