Dravya pariksha vidhi w. s. r. to anukta dravya Array Section Review of Article
This article deals with the concept of Anukta Dravya and ‘Dravya Pariksha Vidhi’. Dravya Pariksha Vidhi plays an important role in the field of Dravyaguna. It is basically the study methodology described regarding a new drug. An attempt is made to understand the each point mentioned under Dravya Pariksha Vidhi thoroughly and understand their importance in case of drug study. The biggest advantage of applying this method is that, we could find Ayurvedic attributes like Rasapanchaka, gunas, etc. for a totally new drug and thus, facilitate its use in Ayurvedic therapeutics. It was also observed that it is quite similar to the Pharmacognostic study method for natural drug and thus, it can be concluded that, studying a new drug by combing both methods would be more beneficial for the acceptance of new drug.
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