Pharmaceutical and clinical study of effect of ayurvedic keshya gel in hair fall
Hair loss is one of the most common problems worldwide, affecting one-third of the population including both men and women. In India, hair is a very sensitive issue among both men and women. Various factors like pollution, stress, rising work pressure, improper eating habits, excess use of chemical cosmetics, hormonal disorders have lead to increase cases of hair fall and baldness. Hair loss can be embarrassing and hamper one’s self esteem and confidence. Ayurveda offers some effective external therapies for controlling hair fall. Ayurvedic herbs that are beneficial for controlling hair fall can be converted in to gel form which is more convenient to use considering today’s lifestyle. Aloe barbadensis (Kumari), Hibiscus rosasinesis (Japa), Eclipta alba (Bhringaraj), essential oils of Rosmarinus officinalis (Rosemary), Lavendula officinalis (Lavender), Murraya Koenig (Curry leaves), Gel base were used to prepare gel. Product was given 30 volunteers and product evaluation was done by doing Hair pull test and 60-second hair count. Data analysis was done with Paired t-test showed significance p<0.05. Ayurvedic Keshya gel was considerably effective in controlling hair fall in both women and men. Moreover it also contributed to improve the quality of hairs. It was comfortable and safe to use
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