A review of Nadi Parikshan in various Ayurvedic Samhita with its clinical methods


  • Pooja Babaso Kamble


Nadi Parikshan,  Pulse examination,  Ayurved Samhita


Nadi Pariksha is the most effective diagnostic tool known in the medical field. It is cost effective,  accurate,  safe,  and gives quick results. We can conduct Nadi Pariksha on healthy individuals as well as all patients irrespective of stage of the disease also,  and even pregnant woman,  children,  elderly can undergo without any harm or side effects. However,  this technique is not being widely practised at present,  because of lack of training,  practise and knowledge about it in the present day among Ayurveda vaidyas. An iconic factor for identification of a physician,  irrespective of the time,  Region,  Nadi Pariksha can be highlighted as a common factor or even System of Medicine or Civilization of the known world. Thus,  we can perceive that Nadi Pariksha or the pulse examination remains as an effective diagnostic tool since ages. Nadi Pariksha was not been discussed among the Brihatrayees of Ayurveda. Acharya Sharangdhara was the first to document in the doctrines of Ayurveda. Thus Acharya Sharangdhara is considered as ‘The Founder of Nadi Pariksha’in Ayurveda. Nadi Pariksha was titled under the Pancha-Nidana by Acharya Sharangdhara and Ashta Sthana Pariksha by Acharya Yogaratnakara. It was the Foremost among all the other diagnostic tools mentioned by him. Later Acharyas like Acharya Bhava Mishra,  Acharya Yogaratnakara,  Acharya Basavaraja,  Acharya Kanada Maharishi,  and Acharya Ravana have contributed in giving more descriptions and importance. In the recent days Dr. Vasant lad and Dr. Sarvadeva Upadhaya’s research work interest and scope of Nadi Pariksha.


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How to Cite

Kamble, . P. B. . (2020). A review of Nadi Parikshan in various Ayurvedic Samhita with its clinical methods. Ayurline: International Journal of Research in Indian Medicine, 4(06). Retrieved from https://www.ayurline.in/index.php/ayurline/article/view/466