
Dr Sarika Bhikanrao Deore
Dr.Bharat B Kadlaskar


Rajyakshma is oldest disease known to mankind as its first
reference found in oldest literature Rugveda. It is called as King of
Diseases, which indicates its severity. Tuberculosis remains major public
health problem not only in India but also in world. According to WHO one
third of global population is suffering from tuberculosis. Anti-tubercular
therapy is long lasting and has many side effects, so it is necessary to
develop adjunct therapy which will minimize the hazards and help patient to
improve the immune status. In Ayurvedic classics Sneha kalpana has
gained its own importance. Sneha kalpana has been introduced as a
Pharmaceutical preparation only in the Samhita period. It consists of
Sanskara anuvarthitwa guna that is sneha can enhance the therapeutic
properties of the drugs which are used in the preparation which makes the
Ghrita kalpana superior in the context of Sneha Kalpana. Pippalayadi
Ghrita (PG) is such a preparation which is mainly indicated in Rajyakshama
and Kasa.
Keywords: Rajyakshama,Kasa, Tuberculosis, Sneha kalpana, Pippalyadi


How to Cite
Dr Sarika Bhikanrao Deore, & Dr.Bharat B Kadlaskar. (2024). CONCEPTUAL STUDY OF PIPPALYADI GHRUTA ON VARIOUS DISEASES WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO RAJYAKSHAMA: Array. Ayurline: International Journal of Research in Indian Medicine, 8(04). Retrieved from


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