Understanding pharmacokinetics of ruksha and laghu qualities while using as herbal contraceptives


  • Shachi Chandil


Contraceptives, Piper longum, Embelia ribes, Hibiscus rosa-sinensis


Nowadays birth control become necessity in India because many socio-economic conditions of people have been adversely affected by increasing crimes, illiteracy, diseases, improper food and shelter. As women plays a pivotal role in the family, she is also responsible for the wellbeing of the family so, women’s healthcare need to be safe and effective. Modern contraceptives / synthetic anti-fertility agents have various side effects like weight gain, nausea, headache, carcinoma of cervix, carcinoma of breast etc. So it is necessary to use biologically active substance as fertility regulating agents. In Bhavprakasha and Yogratnakara, there are some herbal contraceptive described. Pippali (Piper longum), Vidanga (Embelia ribes), Japakusum (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis) are considered as potent contraceptives. These drugs acts as uterine constrictor in order to act as contraceptives. They mainly possess Laghu and Ruksha Guna and katu vipaka which increase Vata dosha that helps in Garbhashaya sankocha causing expulsion of un-implanted fertilized ovum. Several studies on the above mentioned herbs have reported that they contain some active ingredients like saponins, steroids, etc. which are responsible for the antifertility effect like anti-ovulation, anti-implantation and shown minimal side effects in comparison to the chemically synthesized contraceptive which usually contain various combinations of hormones. Here we have concluded that some of the herbs possessing Ruksha and Laghu qualities can be used as contraceptives. These herbal contraceptives can provide an opportunity for affordable, potential and efficient replacement with having lesser side effects, particularly to the women living in the rural areas.


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How to Cite

Chandil, S. . (2020). Understanding pharmacokinetics of ruksha and laghu qualities while using as herbal contraceptives. Ayurline: International Journal of Research in Indian Medicine, 4(02). Retrieved from https://www.ayurline.in/index.php/ayurline/article/view/356



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