Role of Cicer arietinum (Bengal gram) as a Neutraceutical in Sthaulya
Easy availability of health injurious, processed food, increased capacity of expenditure and bad food habits have caused an outburst in Obesity, resulted in more than 30 million obese patients in India. As obesity causes increased risk of heart diseases, and Diabetes Mellitus, 2 most fatal diseases in India, this is the right time to search for an alternative to overcome the changed food habits of young India. Therefore, making changes in life - style along with alterations in the diet, play a key role in the management of obesity. We are proposing Cicer arietinum or Bengal Gram, which reduces the deranged Meda and Kapha dosha found in Medoroga. As low energy food with huge amount of fibers are effective in the treatment of Medoroga, Bengal Gram is an ideal food supplement, since it has a low glycemic index and is rich in dietary fibers. It also lowers the LDL & total cholesterol. Here, we have established that though Cicer arietinum is a rich source of proteins, more than 38% amino acids are vaayaviya and aakashiya in their paanchabhautic constitution and are in possession of ruksha, laghu, vishad qualities. According to Acharya Hemadri, laghu and ruksha qualities are responsible for Langhana and Rukshana respectively causing weight loss. We have concluded that Bengal gram has a potential to work as a nutraceutical in the management of Sthaulya(Obesity).
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