A Review of Lead Toxicity
A review of Lead Toxicity Modern view.
Abstract: Toxicity of Metals is the Toxic effect of certain metals in certain forms and doses on life. Toxicity is a function of solubility. Insoluble compounds as well as the metallic forms often exhibit negligible Toxicity. Human beings come in contact with metals in their day to day life by using things made up of metals.
Lead is one of the metal which is used in many ways in our day to day life. Ink, toys, clay, pencils, cosmetics, hairdye, paints are made by using lead compounds. Because of this extensive and continuous use of lead, its levels are increasing in our body and in environment. So this is necessary to avoid exposure and prevention of lead toxicity. People should aware about this. Lead Toxicity study regarding- measures that helps in avoiding contact of Lead, early diagnosis of Lead poisoning, Laboratory tests to detect Lead in our body, Sign Symptoms and Treatment of Lead are studied from Modern Texts of Toxicology and discussed here.
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