A Critical Review of Nasya matra
Review of Nasya Matra
Dose is a very important factor in any of the Panchakarma procedures to get optimum efficacy of the therapy. Nasya is the major procedure in Panchakarma. Bindu is the unit of measurement explained for the dose of Nasya. In routine Ayurvedic practice one Bindu is considered as one drop (0.05ml), but according to the definition of Bindu and standardized quantity mentioned by Acharayas, it is 1 Shana which is ten times more than routinely practiced dose .
The success of treatment depends on dosage, time and proper administration (Yukti). Every wise physician gives importance to these two factors Matra and Kala. The Matra depends on various factors like Dosha, Agni, Bala, Vaya, Vyadhi, Dravya, Bala, Satva, Desha and Kostha etc. To take maximum benefit of Aausadha one should have to consider these all above while examining. The present paper deals with critical review of Nasya.
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