In vitro study of methanolic extract of Eclipta alba Hassk. FOR hepg2 cell line Array Section Original Research Articles
Synthetic anticancer drugs, apart from their high cost are well known for their hazardous side effects. So identification of new anticancer herbal medicine, which should not be cost effective only, but should be in possession of good anti-cancer effects also, is the need of the day. Here we are presenting such an Ayurvedic herb which is used since centuries for the treatment of diseases of diverse origin. Eclipta alba Hassk., also called as Bhrungraj is very important medicinal herb in different medicinal formulations. In Ayurveda Bhrungraj is well known drug especially for hair growth. Many researches from modern world have proved Bhrungraj as a prominent liver-corrective in last 40 years. In the ancient science of life, Bhrungraj is described in previous researches as in possession of regeneration of hepatic cells.
Here we are presenting all aspects about Bhrungraj in terms of qualitative and quantitative values and we have also tried to prove the anticancer activity of it. As mentioned earlier, it is traditionally used as a hepatoprotective agent. for the evaluation of its effects on HepG2 (Human liver cancer cell line). The srb assay results were used to evaluate the anti-cancer activity of the extract. The experiment revealed that the average percentage of growth inhibition was 77.36%. Cell viability srb assay also showed significant growth inhibition, at the same time statistical analysis of srb assay also proved significant results. The research performed here is very useful for set up of different extract studies of Bhrungraj for its anticancer activity.
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