A Comparative Study between Guduchighanvati & Haridrakhanda in the Management of Vataj Pratishyaya (Allergic Rhinitis) Array Section Review of Article
Allergic Rhinitis is very common clinical condition among allergic disorders. Many previous ayurvedic research works have given promising results in allergic rhinitis(Vataj Pratishyaya) but recurrence is common. Immunomodulation is necessary in allergic conditions so Haridrakhand & Guduchighanvati were selected. For the clinical study 60 clinically diagnosed cases of Allergic rhinitis were selected & randomly divided into two groups each of 30 patients. Group A was given Anu Taila Nasya along with Haridrakhanda & Group B was given Anu Tail Nasya along with Guduchighanvati . Both group showed significant results in decreasing the clinical Signs of allergic rhinitis but recurrence was significantly low in patients with Guduchighanvati group.
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